Gift Universe Modern Slavery Statement
This statement has been published in accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and identifies Gift Universe Groups’ areas of commitments, procedures and values to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking throughout our business operations and supply chain.
About Gift Universe
Gift Universe Group is one of the UK’s leading and fastest growing operators in the gifts and gadgets market, trading as Menkind, RED5, The Source Wholesale and Lost Universe.
Gift Universe Group takes a zero-tolerance approach to slavery and human trafficking throughout its supply chain and recognises the responsibility it has for continuous improvement and development of transparency through the supply chain.
Our Values and Policies
Where we are directly importing products from factories, we have detailed policies in place which explain the importance of responsible sourcing and the promotion of fair and safe working conditions within our supply chain. These policies, which include ethical audits and compliance with the Modern Slavery Act, are contained within our General Terms of Business with which all suppliers must comply.
Where we purchase products within the UK, all suppliers must comply with our Domestic Terms and Conditions of Business which contains confirmation of our zero-tolerance position with regards to modern slavery.
Supply Chain
Gift Universe Group works to ensure our goods are sourced and manufactured in circumstances and environments which do not tolerate or involve exploitation or abuse of any persons. All suppliers must sign a contract outlining the policies and accept the code of business before trade can commence. Gift Universe Group maintains a strong dialogue with all our suppliers and explains that any suspicion of modern slavery or human trafficking must be communicated and escalated.
Regular due diligence is carried out on our suppliers and factories through audits, visits and 3rd party inspectors to enforce our policies and monitor our supply base. All suppliers are audited to ensure that local laws and human rights are maintained including wages, working hours, working conditions, accommodation, health and safety, no discrimination, no child labour, no human trafficking nor modern slavery.
Gift Universe Group employs over 660 team members and our HR department follows a strict employment policy in line with UK legal obligations. The following steps are implemented:
- Full pre-employment check to confirm identity and right to work in the UK
- All employees are paid at least above the National Minimum Wage
- All employees are provided with all statutory rights and benefits
Looking Forward
We will:
- Continuously review current ethical policies.
- Collaborate with industry peers and 3rd party companies to improve our approach to transparency throughout our supply chain.
- Continue to educate through the supply chain our ethical and code of business policies.
- Continue to develop our policies and approach to modern slavery.
Due Diligence
As a rapidly growing company, identifying emerging areas of potential risk is an important focus. Our sourcing and procurement teams will help to raise awareness of these areas and improve our communication within our supply base.
Board Approval
Gift Universe’s Modern Slavery Statement in conjunction with the Modern Slavery Act 2015 has been prepared for and approved by the Gift Universe Board of Directors.
Paul Kraftman
Chief Executive, Gift Universe Group